Monday Morning Glory

Monday Morning Glory


A few years ago in the months before Weekend Warriors, my 2nd solo show at Laz, I set myself a task each morning of doing a quick study before getting on with the larger canvases, kinda like stretching before going for a jog. And that’s exactly how the large paintings feel sometimes, like running a marathon, so its nice to bang out a few loose pieces to get myself going. I set my stopwatch (not saying for how long) and get going. It makes me make decisions I wouldn’t normally take, if I fuck up there’s nothing I can do about it.

All the studies are for my upcoming show at Lazarides in February 2012. I did a photoshoot in my studio a few weeks ago involving loadsa props and models so each of these studies will be a glimpse into the shoot before the show (haven’t decided whether I should put up pix of the shoot or not). So anyway, I’ll try and get a Morning Glory pic up everyday, I’m sure the results will be super varied.