
Babelgum have put a second vid of me up, this time painting in Covent Garden before Christmas.. getting used to this moviestar lark....

Back to work this week but its always good to see some shows to get the ol motivation going. We headed for The Sacred Made Real show at the National Gallery on Monday, an exhibition of 17th century Spanish paintings and sculpture. Savage stuff. Especially...

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ltJuw9yNtec] So life is creaking back to normal and I even got myself off the couch to go see some comedy, and none other than Irelands finest Dylan Moran, live at the Apollo on Shaftbury Avenue last night. He was in classic caustic form moaning about...

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xQFK5vOLqFs] Absolute killer tune from Ken Booth, ooooh it brings me way back to the Bad Bellyman on Cork's Radio Friendly. We used to tape his reggae show and play it all week, this is one that used up all my walkman batteries from rewinding all...

Oh I've been slack on the ol posts lately, apologies. Days and nights have become one as my show approaches but Lucy sent me this lovely photo this morning of my tower that a friend of hers took while out at the Fame opening a...

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JyRAHKTy6hI] Finally got down to London's ICA last night to see Beautiful Losers, the seminal art documentary from director Aaron Rose. Its running for another week so if you haven't seen it yet now's yer chance. Plus, the bar in the ICA have a fairly sweet...