Author: ConorHarrington

This is my piece from a wee top-secret baguette-fuelled ninja mission I was on a couple of months back. Big up to the organizers of the project, I don't know who they are but they live in the shadows and under bridges and exist on...

[vimeo] The latest film from my boy Andy Telling in collaboration with Owen Richards, following photographer Robin Friend deep into a Welsh mine. Highly recommended....

Here are me 3 bricks that I painted as part of the wonderful Sickboy show Heaven and Earth. I'm a bit late getting them on the bloggwogg, but 2 of them are still available so if you're interested you can get em here....

Been focusing on the big pieces for my show so haven't been doing any glories lately. Enjoyed this one though, must be my fresh-outta-the-wash merino wool thermals keeping me alive in the studio....